Contact us
Clinical Appointments
Face-to-face and telehealth consultations for both new and existing patients can be booked online.
Contact Us
T: 03 7034 4340
GP & Other Specialist Referrals
F: 03 8414 4021
Proof of Character
Find Us
Suite 508 (Level 5), 685 Burke Road
(PO Box 291)
Camberwell, VIC 3124
All times are by appointment only.
We are located on the southern corner of Burke Road and Denmark Hill Road. The entrance has both stair and ramp access, and accessible lifts to Level 5.
By train
Camberwell Station is 800m away (11 minutes’ walk), and is the junction for the Lilydale, Belgrave and Alamein lines.
By tram
Camberwell Junction - the intersection of Burke, Riversdale and Camberwell Roads - is 180m away. Trams passing through the junction are the 70 (Waterfront City-Wattle Park), 72 (Melbourne University-Camberwell), and 75 (Central Pier-Vermont South).
By car
Limited free on-street parking is available, for between 15-120 minutes. However, please note that resident and other parking restrictions can apply in nearby streets.
Free parking for up to 120 minutes is available in Junction West/Camberwell Place (8-10 minute walk), Camberwell Junction Shopping Centre (10 minutes), and Butler Street (7 minutes).
We are unfortunately unable to provide a crisis service. In an emergency, call 000 (ambulance or police).
Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Lifeline (13 11 14) provide 24/7 support services.